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Blog v Wiki

The terms "blog" and "wiki" are often lumped and categorized together. Although there are many similarities in their appearance there are also many differences in their purpose, style, and audience as well. 

A blog is a website with usually one author and many contributors. The author posts about different topics and contributors would comment on those posts. Blogs are usually written in a "diary-type" style and express the author's opinions about different topics. Blogs allow for interactive discussions and provide the audience with an up to date commentary in a traceable timeline. According to How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere" Kathy E. Gill states that bloggers write about topics that matter to them. Blogs may have a large or small audience and produce positive or negative opinions on certain debates. According to the study, many bloggers post to attract awareness about certain topics and express their personal opinions. Sometimes "fake news" is produced in this process and may cause contrary debates amongst the audience. The influence of these blogs is based on how the audience responds, how reputable the author is, and what topic is being discussed.

A wiki is a website where there are many editors collaborating together to modify information/ ideas about a common topic. Editors are allowed to add, remove or change existing information. Wikis usually provide knowledge to the audience and use other wikis or notable sources as its foundation. Wikis grow rapidly based upon new events, articles, and information. According to "Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Article on People" Noah Cohen states that "Wikipedia" one of the top 10 most popular sites on the web has enforced a new feature called "flagged revision." This new feature limits contributors from adding/ modifying false information onto someone's wiki by requiring an experienced and authorized editor to sign off any changes made by the public before it can go live. New security measures and precautions like this makes wikis much more reputable and reliable as a solid source of information. 

In today's world information is constantly being shared on the web. Blogs are important in sharing information and voice different opinions in today's networked world. 



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