Virtual Worlds are where users can create, connect, and chat with others from around the world using voice and online interactions. In most Virtual Worlds memberships are free, but players use real money to exchange for virtual currencies, used to buy digital products. In "No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real You" Ruth La Ferla states that roughly 250,000 items are created daily by residents using a built-in modelling tool to construct 3-D objects to sell in the virtual marketplace such as the one in Second Life. These items include shoes, coats, furniture, and possibly anything you would normally buy from Amazon.Virtual Worlds have encouraged many users to become more creative. For example, Jonty Glaser, a partner in Stiletto Moody, a Second Life shoe brand have become a super successful entrepreneur through this Virtual Reality World. He has sold more than $1 million dollars since 2007 and has earned the nickname the "Jimmy Choo of Second Life." According t...
Curtis Chung New Media